News and information regarding research grants with the Center for the Study of Sports in Society
2021 Faculty Research Grants
The Penn State Center for the Study of Sports and Society announces a call for proposals for research grants. All fulltime Penn State faculty (at all campuses) at the assistant professor (non-tenured) rank or at fulltime fixed term ranks are eligible for these grants. The Center will award a maximum of $7500 for a proposal. We anticipate having $15,000 total to award. In 2020 we awarded grants to for different outstanding projects—totaling $15,000. In the spirit of the Center’s interdisciplinary mission, we encourage proposals from all disciplines and fields represented at Penn State. Successful proposals will enhance our understanding of the role of sport (broadly defined) in society.
To apply, submit by March 15, 2021, a grant proposal that includes the following elements:
- A completed information summary form
- A current curriculum vitae
- An application proposal (no more than five pages, double-spaced, in a 12-point font with standard margins) that describes the fundamental research questions that will be addressed in your endeavor; the methods and theories employed; the scope and content of the project; a time-line for completion of the project; a specific rationale for how the grant funding will be used to support the project; a plan for disseminating the findings of your research (via publication or other suitable outlets); and a justification of the significance of the project for advancing the study of sport in society.
We expect to make award decisions by April 30, 2021. Send the required items as email attachments to Dr. Mark Dyreson, Director of Research and Educational Programs, Penn State Center for the Study of Sports in Society,, no later than 5:00 pm (EST), March 15, 2021.
2020 Research Grant Winners