Faculty Scholarship

Highlights of faculty and researcher presentations and productivity for people affiliated with the Center for Sports in Society.

February 2020

A Cultural History of Sport: Volumes 1-6 (The Cultural Histories Series) Wray Vamplew: Bloomsbury Academic — Center Director for Programs and Research Mark Dyreson served as a co-general editor.

New Dimensions of Sport in Modern Europe: Perspectives from the ‘Lon – Routledge & CRC Press — Center Director for Programs and Research Mark Dyreson served as a co-editor on the project.

April 2020

On April 3, Center for Sports Director Steve Ross participated in a global virtual conversation on the effect of the pandemic on sports, with scholars and observers specializing in the UK, South Africa, Asia, Australia, and Native Americans, organized by the Global Sports Institute at Arizona State.  You can access the 90 minute program here.  Comments to Prof Ross welcomed at sfr10@psu.edu.



January 2020

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July 2019

Center Director Steve Ross recently participated in a webinar organized by a leading British-run on-line sports law education program, Lawinsport.  The topic was the enforcement of contracts in European football (soccer).  Unlike the US, the contract law of European countries varies widely and as a result, FIFA has adopted very strict rules that limit and punish clubs for signing players under contract elsewhere.  In some cases the result is real hardship, as when players are not paid.  In other cases, the result is massive ‘transfer fees’ paid to the current club to allow the player to leave.  Many Europeans criticize the FIFA rules and have called for an end to the whole transfer fee system.  The entire (about 1 hour) webinar, including leading commentators from London and Barcelona, is available here:  https://youtu.be/C_LEJY-55e4