About the Center

The interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Sports in Society, established in 2016, leverages the expertise of dozens of Penn State faculty with academic and research interests in sports who are housed in academic units across the University. The center’s structure encourages collaboration, allowing experts to work more effectively across disciplines on cutting-edge issues.

Stephen Ross
Executive Director

“Our ambitious goal is to do for sports what Penn State did for agriculture in the 19th century,” law professor and executive director of the Center for the Study of Sports in Society Stephen Ross said. “We hope that research combined with industry interaction will provide useful insights for sports officials and policymakers while providing great academic opportunities for our students. Students will immediately benefit from the center’s programming, engage in supervised research and take additional academically rigorous courses studying important issues related to sport.”

The center is charged with supporting research, teaching, public programs and service across Penn State related to the study of sport and its cultural, economic and social impact. The center hopes to bring academic and sports officials together on topics ranging from changes in football rules and protocols to improve safety. to the disparity of opportunity for competitive youth sports in underprivileged communities and communities of color.


The Center welcomes comments on the material posted here.  Please email your comments to Steve Ross at sfr10@psu.edu.